Experience Ultimate Safety and Comfort with Flexabed

A Flexabed adjustable bed with a dark headboard is next to a wheelchair in a bright, naturally lit room with beige walls and carpet.

Around 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments annually for fall-related injuries, and over 800,000 are hospitalized, most often due to head injuries or hip fractures. Falls are a leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries in older adults, often resulting in long recovery times and a loss of independence. The injuries […]

Rest Easy: Exploring Modern Options for the Perfect Adjustable Bed

A modern bedroom showcases two sleek, white Dawn House Beds. One is elevated in a reclined position while the other stays flat. Large windows and indoor plants enhance the bright, serene atmosphere.

Choosing the right hospital or adjustable bed is a big decision and one that will greatly impact your comfort, safety, and overall well-being. When it comes to such a considerable investment, being well-informed is the key to avoid buyer’s regret.  Gone are the days when hospital beds were only a cold, metal frame. Comfort Medical […]