Pouching systems may include a one-piece or two-piece system. Both kinds include a faceplate/flange (barrier or wafer) and a collection pouch. The pouch (one-piece or two-piece) attaches to the abdomen by the faceplate/flange and is fitted over and around the stoma to collect the diverted output, either stool or urine. The barrier is designed to protect the skin from the stoma output and to be as neutral to the skin as possible.
One-piece Pouching System
The ostomy pouch and skin barrier are joined together permanently. The pouch and skin barrier are applied and removed together – in one piece. Easy to apply and remove and more flexible than a two-piece pouching system.
Two-piece Pouching System
The ostomy pouch and skin barrier are separate. The pouch can be removed without removing the skin barrier. Because it is separate from the pouch, the skin barrier can be more easily positioned around the stoma.
Pediatric Pouching Systems
Available as either one-piece products or two-piece products and are designed for premature babies, infants, and children. These systems can also be used to manage adult conditions such as small wounds, drain sites, and fistulas. Irrigation systems – Some colostomates can “irrigate,” using a procedure analogous to an enema. This is done to clean stool directly out of the colon through the stoma. This requires a special irrigation system, consisting of an irrigation bag with a connecting tube (or catheter), a stoma cone, and an irrigation sleeve. A special lubricant is sometimes used on the stoma in preparation for irrigation. Following irrigation, some colostomates can use a stoma cap, a one- or two-piece system which simply covers and protects the stoma. This procedure is usually done to avoid the need to wear a pouch.