Portable Oxygen System
Incorporate either the electronic conserving device, the pneumatic conserving device, or standard flow regulators. These systems provide individuals with a convenient, lightweight supply of oxygen. Systems are available with one or multiple M4, M6, M9, MD, or ME cylinders, fiber-wrapped cylinders, shoulder, horizontal, backpack, or fanny pack style carrying bags, cart, regulator, cannula, and supply […]
Portable Lifting Cushion
Provide that extra lift needed to help you get in and out of any armchair on your own by shifting your weight forward and pushing off gently with your arms and/or legs. The pneumatic lift will help to gently raise you up to an almost standing position. The cushion is portable and weighs approximately 9 […]
Portable E-Tank
Portable smaller units called E tanks are used for transport. A key is required to turn the tank on and off. The portable tanks must be replaced when empty. Therefore, the family must plan ahead for trips outside of the home. Portable E tanks may be used for backup in case of power failure.
Phototherapy (Bili Light)
Also known as a bili light, used to help infants with jaundice, a yellow coloring of the skin and eyes related to abnormal liver function.
Pediatric Nebulizer
A special breathing device usually used 3 or 4 times daily as needed; or as directed by your doctor. It works in the lungs by opening breathing passages to make breathing easier. This device is intended for use in children but may also be used for adults requiring smaller doses.
Patient Lifts (Power or Hydraulic)
For assistance with patient transferring. Lift/commode is an FDA registered medical device, ideal for people with musculoskeletal or neuromuscular limitations. It is motorized and designed to operate as a lift system and as an adjustable-height commode. It can be used as a bedside commode (helps reduce bedpan use) or as a transfer system to move […]
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. It is both chronic, meaning it persists over a long period of time, and progressive, meaning its symptoms grow worse over time. Parkinson’s disease occurs when a group of cells, in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra, that produce a chemical […]
Oxygen Conserver
A type of regulator, which conserves the amount of gaseous oxygen in portable cylinders. Oximetry testing is required to ensure proper oxygen saturation during use of a conserver.
Oxygen Concentrator
Electronically powered device with a series of filters that extract oxygen from room air. Also, a backup system, usually a stationary compressed gas system must always accompany a concentrator in case of power failure or other emergency. Regular household current is sufficient for its use. In limited cases, a humidifier bottle may be necessary to […]
Ostomy Supplies
Pouching systems may include a one-piece or two-piece system. Both kinds include a faceplate/flange (barrier or wafer) and a collection pouch. The pouch (one-piece or two-piece) attaches to the abdomen by the faceplate/flange and is fitted over and around the stoma to collect the diverted output, either stool or urine. The barrier is designed to […]